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Jawbone Hill (Cote de Oughtibridge) was one of 9 catagorised climbs on Stage 2 of the 2014 Tour de France. Here is a video we shot showing the Hill from bottom to top. The camping fields are clearly labled on the right.
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Oughtibridge Lane
S35 0HN
Jawbone Hill
Locally, Oughtibridge Lane is known as Jawbone Hill, named after the pair of whale jaws that stood at the top of the hill.
More recently it can be seen on google maps as Cote de Oughtibridge, reminding us of the passing of the tour de France on 6 July 2014.
Travelling up Jawbone Hill, your satnav will take you to the metal sign 'Shimrod'. We are 200m further up the hill on the right, the first of a pair of semi-detatched farm houses.
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